Glasses repairs are tough when you live in Alaska. At the Ketchikan Eye Care Center, we are the only FULL TIME eye care providers South of Juneau and are welcoming new patients from all over the globe. When you leave Ketchikan, our care does not stop there. We honor our 2 year warranty, if you qualify with your purchase, and accept responsibility to help you no matter where you are.
Below is the link to our REPAIR REQUEST FORM, please print and fill it out completely. If you are not in Ketchikan, ship your glasses to:
Ketchikan Eye Care Center- Optical repairs Dept.
351 Carlanna Lake Road
Ketchikan AK 99901
Include: your glasses, the REPAIR REQUEST FORM, and $10 for us to process and ship your glasses back to you with your return address.
Once received, our trained Opticians will review your glasses and notify you once they review them.